Architects: Miguel Montor
- Area: 664 m²
- Year: 2012
Photographs:Onnis Luque
Manufacturers: Novaceramic
“Nuevo Continente” High School in Celaya aimsto anchor itselftothelandscape, tomakeitoperational and achieve mutual enrichment. Thelandislocatedon a plateauoverhanginganaridwastelandwithlittlevegetation. Thebuildingblendswiththelandscape, in a similar mannertowhathappensbetween figure and background in visual perspective, whichalsocontributestomakemost of theweather, as well as tooptimize time and expenditureduringtheconstruction.
Theprocessbeganwiththesearchforthe “breaks” ontheday'sactivitiesamongtheinhabitants of thebuilding: thestudents. Theaimwastofind a balance betweenthespaces of thebuilding, totranslatetheminto a certainrhythm of emptyareasor "garden patios", emphasized by visual language.
Theresults of treatingpublicspacesthrough "breaks” can be seen in thedifferent blocks and theircapability of movement, as well as in betweentheirscales. Areaswhereactivities can be articulated by free transit, whichallowstounderstand and feelthefields of perception and action. Implosion, ratherthan a bang, highlightsthevegetationthatisslowlytakingoverthespace by creatingmicroclimates.
Thefloor lays over a thicker, receivingfloor, uponwhichthehighschool stands out withitsbuildingstructureuponbearingwalls, which at itsmaximumstructuralworkallow full use of it.
Thehorizontality and aridness of thecontextdeterminedtheearthy color of thehollowenameledbricks, used as themain material. Thestructure displays anintertwinedtexture, created by the series of openings and solidslabs, whichparticipate in thedynamicstructureconsisting of precast concrete girdersthatcorrespondtotheclassrooms, and pergolaslocated in the gaps thatmakegarden patios. Themodulation in thebuildingmakesitachievableto use a single type of partition, so doesthedetailing of thefloor.
Actingonwhatisclose, immediate, tactile, whatfirstattractsthesight, enablesustounderstandthetexture of time, and thedimensionsthat are beingmodified by theaction of thestudentsorotherpotentialvisitorstothebuilding . Thearchitecturethusachievestoblendwiththescenery and allowsthepossibility of changingtheprogram in thefuture, ifnecessary.